Women on the Wing Clean Up with “Barbed Wire and Beer”

Extreme forecasted heat failed to stop nearly a dozen passionate women who gathered to clean debris from a public access property on the outskirts of Walla Walla in July. The event, dubbed “Barbed Wire and Beer,” encompassed just that – about 1,400 pounds of…

Blue Mountain Pheasants Forever’s Rooster Rally unites women in the outdoors

Story by Brad Trumbo, published in the Walla Walla Union Bulletin, December 9th, 2023 Smoke billowed from the stovepipe jutting through the tin roof of the warming shack, creating a white cloud that screened the warm sunrays streaming through the crisp autumn air. A…

Women on the Wing Hosts Pre-season Upland Hunt

Originally published in The Waitsburg Times, 6 October 2022 (hunter names are fictional) Smoke hung like a heavy fog in the Palouse River canyon, making for a simultaneously mesmerizing yet apocalyptic scene. The sun itself appeared ablaze, blood-orange behind the smoke as it climbed…

Women on the Wing – Learn to Hunt and Shoot

Press Release published in the Walla Walla Union Bulletin 29 May 2022 The threat of rain didn’t stop twenty-three enthusiastic women from arriving at the Walla Walla Gun Club on April 30th, 2022, for a Blue Mountain Pheasants Forever (BMPF) Women on the Wing…

Women on the Wing Lands in Walla Walla

2022 Women on the Wing Steering Committee While hunting is still largely viewed as a man’s activity, the number of women hunters increased 25 percent between 2011-2016 according to US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the numbers continue to climb. Embracing women in the…

BMPF is Back!

Its a new year. We have a new look. We have a new plan. And while the pandemic is still affecting Chapter business, out Officer team and Advisory Board continue to work behind the scenes. Although our annual banquet was canceled for this past…