A Family Hunt Tradition

Heading to the field to roust up some roosters Smoke curled up from the chimney that protrudes through the tin roof sheltering a massive brick firepit. A cast-iron grate supported an old blue and white porcelain percolator, warmed by the amber glow of embers…

Youth Hunters, Old Dogs, and Wiley Roosters

October 9th, 2021 dawned beautifully crisp and clear. A prime day for Blue Mountain Pheasants Forever’s annual youth hunt. Upon arrival at Clyde Shooting Preserve, the usual crowd of hunters and canines was not what it was in the past. The change came as…

Smoke and Clays

As the Green Ridge fire expanded into the southwest line of the Lick Creek blaze, Blue Mountain Pheasants Forever welcomed youth shooters to their final regular event of the summer clay series at the Walla Walla Gun Club. Despite a light haze from the…

Pollinator Plot Preparation at Bennington Lake

In July, Blue Mountain Pheasants Forever (BMPF) Assisted the US Army Corps of Engineers, Mill Creek Project by laying clear plastic tarp along a 300-foot property boundary strip south of Bennington Dam. Employing a technique called “solarization”, the technique uses the sun’s power to…

BMPF is Back!

Its a new year. We have a new look. We have a new plan. And while the pandemic is still affecting Chapter business, out Officer team and Advisory Board continue to work behind the scenes. Although our annual banquet was canceled for this past…