Pollinator Plot Preparation at Bennington Lake

In July, Blue Mountain Pheasants Forever (BMPF) Assisted the US Army Corps of Engineers, Mill Creek Project by laying clear plastic tarp along a 300-foot property boundary strip south of Bennington Dam. Employing a technique called “solarization”, the technique uses the sun’s power to…

a Shotgun Start to the summer shooting series

How do you end a two-month spring drought, wrought with bluebird skies and mild temperatures? Host an outdoor youth shooting event. Proven fact. May 22nd, Blue Mountain Pheasants Forever hosted a shotgun clinic at the Walla Walla gun Club. The first shoot of the…

Pheasants Forever and Army Reserve Officers Support Wa-Hi JROTC

The Walla Walla High School Junior Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (JROTC) has 2 competitive shooting teams that have been nationally ranked for over a decade.  Made up of the top 15 to 20 shooting athletes in the program, the teams travel to attend up…

Haying Best Management Practices for Wildlife

Farming and habitat practices to maintain healthy CRP and alfalfa stands provides significant nesting and brood rearing benefits to upland game birds, fawning areas for deer, and nesting and roosting habitat for wild turkey in the early spring and summer. Long, overhanging grasses provide…

BMPF is Back!

Its a new year. We have a new look. We have a new plan. And while the pandemic is still affecting Chapter business, out Officer team and Advisory Board continue to work behind the scenes. Although our annual banquet was canceled for this past…