Smoke and Clays

As the Green Ridge fire expanded into the southwest line of the Lick Creek blaze, Blue Mountain Pheasants Forever welcomed youth shooters to their final regular event of the summer clay series at the Walla Walla Gun Club.

Despite a light haze from the nearby burn, air quality was sufficient for outdoor activity, and 10 youth arrived, eager for a round of five-stand.

Parents, chapter members and volunteers looked on as the shooting commenced. At least a few of us couldn’t help but appreciate the skill of some of the young participants as challenging clay pairs were dusted, include a simulated rabbit coupled with a fast overhead flier.  

As the event wound to a close, prizes were awarded for to Oliver for Ma breaking 94 clays, Dominic Goins for breaking 69 clays, and Tanner Corn for breaking 56 clays out of 150 across the shooting series. A beginner award was given to Samuel Weiland for breaking 14 clays, and most improved went to Madison Muhley.

Overall, the 2021 clay series was a success, opening with the Chapter’s first ever shotgun clinic in May, and seeing over 30 youth shooters across the summer. Looking forward, September holds the Family Challenge shoot, and the youth and family shoots later in the fall.

Other upcoming opportunities include another Chapter first – a Women on the Wing outdoor and shooting event. Planning is in the works, so stay tuned, and we hope to see you at these events this fall.